
A lot of things have been put in perspective lately, stuff that I never wanted to think about. A friend of mine lost his best mate and room mate at a very young age. It’s not my place to go into details, but lets just say that it was out of no where for me to find out and to be honest quite shocking. Though I didn’t really know him all that well, I had met him a few times and he was a great person. But that sudden departure just makes you look and think. The Priest today at the memorial said some things that really hit him. He said that the one question most people will ask if they are religious is Why? But that is never a question that can ever be answered well enough to stop the grieving process.

What it makes me do is think, think a lot. I couldn’t imagine being in my friends position, being put in a position where I need to face the fact that I will never EVER see my best friend again. Sure there may be times that people may think like that, after I left Aus I knew I was leaving close friendships behind, leaving my best friends behind. But there was a chance I would see them again. My friend doesn’t have that option, and that hurts, it hurts me to think about if I was in his position. I wouldn’t want that myself at all. I couldn’t even begin to fathom what life would be like without some of my friends from back home.

But it also makes me think that out of all of this, perhaps there is a positive side. Even though there is tragedy, there is hope, hope that this passing will help others see that there are things that can be done, that all the times we think “well why didn’t I do that” or “I have plenty of time in my life to do things”. It makes me think that I shouldn’t let those things go to chance, I need to just do it. I shouldn’t let opportunities go past, go to waste at all.

I know that I over think things quite a bit, it is a weakness of mine. But in this case, thinking is smart, thinking is something that I know is appropriate at times like this. I need to sit back, think and set my priorities straight. Time will tell though if I take my own advice.

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