
So much has happened lately but over the last few weeks I have realised how much my tastes have actually changed.  I used to hate spicy food.  So much so that I went out of my way to avoid it.  Now im building up a tolerance to chilli, and loving it.  So much so that Tabasco is going into almost everything these days.

I have realised how much I love to cook as well.  Cooking for myself is a joy and cooking for other people is one of the biggest enjoyments I will ever have.  Lately I have found the joys and simplicity of Ramen.  Not that packet Migoreng shit.  I’m talking real ramen.  Made with proper ramen or soba noodles.  Really simple just chicken stock or vegie stock with some soy, chicken, asian greens and ramen noodles, in a nice big big bowl.
Have also been baking a lot this weekend.  I made 16 Chocolate muffins and an Orange and Poppyseed Cake and thinking of putting a loaf of bread on tonight so I can have some fresh bread tommorrow.  YUM!

Hrm now im hungry! damn food.