
My worst fear in life was to have to one day wear glasses. I was the only person in my family to not have to wear them. Well thats over! I now have to wear them 🙁 I would rather die in a fire than have to wear glasses for the rest of my life.. sadly i dont have a say if i want my eyes to work when i spend so much time in front of the pc.

On thursday I had to pick up my glasses. It was one pair out of the 35 that i tried on. I am now the proud(?) owner of a pair of Oakley Thread 4.0 I didn’t even know they made prescription frames until monday. So it hasn’t been a good week for me. Heaps of work, plus grandma, and then add on the fact I have to get glasses, and people wonder why I was kinda emo this week.

At the moment it is late and my brother and sister are up here for the funeral tommorrow. They want me to talk but I am not going to at the funeral. I would rather go to work. I just could not get up in front of everyone.

I should be in bed but before i go i will leave you with this.