Book Review: Where Men Win Glory

Finished a very interesting book today.

Where Men Win Glory

The book is Where Men Win Glory by Jon Krakauer. What the title doesn’t tell you is that this is a book on the Pat Tillman story. Who is Pat Tillman, well here’s the brief run down.

Pat Tillman was an NFL player for the Arizona Cardinals. Just after the September 11 attacks in New York he gave up a very lucrative deal to instead enlist in the US Army as a Ranger and was deployed to Iraq & Afghanistan. Here’s the kicker. He was killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire.

The book follows his life but also how Afghanistan’s tumultuous history saw the beginning of the taliban and other tribal factions. So not only do you grt Pat Tillman ‘s history but also why he was there.

Then once you get to the day it happened the events are given a good amount of detail so you can understand what happened. The aftermath and cover up is also covered which may have been a bit one sided but it does pose a good amount of questions. The whole premise of the possibility of many more unreported friendly fire incidents.

The events never really made newa media in Australia and the book was recommended by a friend. Well worth the read and makes you think about the real merits of selflessness and sacrifice. Worth the read!

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