An oval office in a big white house

Well its been all over the news lately, well not so much all over but really dominating. Now I love a good bit of drama at times. Hell at some times I often cause it. But lately I have just been dumbfounded by what is called the US Presidential Election.

It scares me at times how much power the US has but yet they take so long to pick the leader of their country. Hell from when the Election is called we usually have about 30 days till the election and even then we are not actively voting for our Prime Minister (unless you live in Krudd’s electorate). But in the USA they take it seriously. Maybe it is because we are forced to vote and in the US its voluntary.

I have gotten into the race a bit more lately after watching two of my favourite shows. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. These shows are all over the race like a rash and I have learned to work out exactly what is going on. Add into that equation my love of an old tv show called The West Wing and you have this really wierd obsession with a big White House at 1600 Pennslyvania Avenue. I have seen the White House (albiet from the top of the Washington Monument) and it is not as big as it seems. I always pictured it bigger.

What i don’t understand is how complicated the US presidential race has to be. But i will keep that for tommorrow as I need to eat before I head out.